Understanding Fence Laws in New Jersey

If you’re planning to install a fence on a property, understanding the state’s regulations and ordinances is essential. NJ fence laws and regulations can be different depending on the local governments of the city or county you live in. However, every fence requires a zoning permit in New Jersey, whether it’s in the city or the countryside. Let’s take a look at some of the important NJ fence laws that homeowners will need to take into consideration.

How Close Can a Fence Be to a Property Line?

According to NJ fence laws, both you and your neighbor are capable of building a fence on the property line. However, your fence must not intrude on your neighbor’s property and vice versa, meaning that it must remain a specified distance away. So, how close can a fence be to a property line? Fences must be built anywhere between six inches to one foot away from property lines. It’s best to have your property line survey performed beforehand to avoid any future confusion and conflict with your neighbors.

How High Must Fences Be in New Jersey?

The height of the fence you built is also regulated under NJ fence laws, which can differ depending on the circumstances. Fences have a maximum height of six feet in residential areas, which is lowered to four feet for fences in the front yard. Additionally, if you plan to use the land for agricultural purposes, the fence has to be at least four feet and two inches high. Swimming pools also need to comply with NJ fence laws, which state that they must be surrounded by a fence or barrier that is at least 54” in height.

What Are Spite Fences?

While there are many great reasons for building a fence, some aren’t quite as good. Spite fences, for example, are fences that don’t provide any functional purpose and are intended to annoy neighbors deliberately. These fences are usually very excessive and extreme to prevent neighbors from enjoying the view of their yard. However, because New Jersey requires zoning permits, it is less likely for spite fences to be built. Under NJ fence laws, fences must adhere to local regulations — and unnecessarily tall spite fences likely won’t satisfy local ordinances.

Who Owns the Property Line Fence?

This is one of the NJ fence laws that is primarily important for livestock owners. When both neighbors use their land for agriculture and have a fence on the property line, they have joint ownership over the fence. If only one of them uses the fence for livestock, then they are the person who must contribute to its construction and continued maintenance. In the event that both property owners use the fence, but one of them wants to remove it, then they have to provide the other with a year’s notice. Additionally, you aren’t allowed to build a barbed wire fence unless your neighbor also agrees to its construction.

Call FenceUSA For Professional Garden State Fence Services

If you’re looking for wood fence installers near me, then you’ve come to the right place. FenceUSA offers a wide range of high-quality services for New Jersey residents, including vinyl fencing installation and repairs. To learn more about our services and to schedule an appointment, give us a call today.